T-Shirt Contest
ZHA Annual T-Shirt Competition
Each year we invite members to submit their original graphics to represent ZHA for our T-shirt fundraiser. The proceeds go directly to our Advancement Fund Program.
Submit your creation from May 15th to June 15th by emailing it to admin@zhaonline.org!
Member voting takes place from June 15th-30th! (Voting Link)
**The member who has their design chosen will be entitled to one free t-shirt and grants ZHA permission to use their image for promotion of the association.**
Graphic Details: File should be in the following formats (.ai .jpg .psd .bmp .png) and it should say Zebrafish Husbandry Association somewhere in the design. Size must be less than 5MB. More design details here at Custom Ink.

2023 Winner

2022 Winner

2021 Winner

2020 Winner

2019 Winner

2018 Winner