Tier II Vendor Members
Aquaneering is an internationally recognized leader of aquatic housing for zebrafish, Xenopus frogs, and other aquatic species used in medical research, as well as the manufacturer of the largest zebrafish systems in the world. Aquaneering offers unmatched knowledge of highly advanced filtration technologies pioneered within the aquaculture industry, notably our no-maintenance filters that assure undetectable levels of ammonia and nitrites.
For information contact us at info@aquaneering.com or 1-858-578-2028
Visit our website http://aquaneering.com/
Situated at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland, Bionomous is a start-up developing and commercializing devices to automate processes in biology and biotechnology.
We combine innovative micro-engineering design and machine learning methods to develop devices that automatically screen, count, sort and dispense miniature biological entities.
Our technology is specialized in sorting zebrafish (Danio rerio) eggs. The EggSorter has been designed to offer a portable and easy to use solution for laboratories working intensively with zebrafish embryos or other similar model organisms.
Different classification algorithms are embedded in the device to recognize different configurations of zebrafish eggs, such as morphology features or the presence of biomarkers. Once processed, all the samples can be dispensed into Falcon tubes, Petri dishes and 96-Multiwell plates.
Our aim is to bring automation to the laboratories to accelerate research in fields such as genetics, toxicology, development, behavioral biology, and non-clinical studies.
Aquatic Enterprises, Inc. provides quality aquarium systems for biological and environmental sciences. Our Aquarius Fish System incorporates recommendations by fish facility managers increasing reliability and reducing maintenance time and expense. Features include rinse and reuse filtration, tubeless water delivery to minimize spills, powder-coated racks, self-cleaning lids, and v-shaped gutters to reduce algae build-up. 2L, 4L and 8L tanks, proudly made is the USA. All tanks sizes fit onto any shelf. LED lighting in photo period cabinets and energy-efficient pumps reduce overhead. Continuing upgrades ensure your system stays cutting edge. Available in standard and custom sizes and configuration. Lifetime warranty.
At IDEXX BioAnalytics we are dedicated to supporting your research needs by providing fast, accurate and reliable results—along with expert consultation you can access directly for even greater insight. IDEXX BioAnalytics has developed sensitive and specific molecular diagnostic assays to improve health monitoring for zebrafish colonies. These molecular panels, along with histopathology and microbiology, provide laboratory animal veterinarians, facility managers and investigators with the tools to design and optimize health monitoring programs. Our ever-expanding portfolio, ongoing research on emerging infectious agents, and expertise in aquatic species make IDEXX BioAnalytics the ideal partner for your diagnostic needs.
For more than 30 years, VRL has been providing diagnostic testing for laboratory animal species. Our knowledgeable, experienced staff work diligently to ensure our clients are provided with reliable results and fast turnaround times. VRL values its customer relationships; our focus is to provide the highest levels of service possible. From routine animal health surveillance to more advanced pre-clinical bioanalysis, our testing capabilities continue to evolve with the needs of our customers. We also offer custom panels, which provide you with flexibility to choose the information most relevant to you. Get your Zebrafish the health checkup they need from one of the world’s leading experts in animal health monitoring at VRL.
For more information, please contact us at clientservices@vrl.net or 1-800-804-3586
Visit our website Home - VRL Diagnostics (vrlsat.com)
BioInfoRx offers standard and personalized software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions to academic institutions, non-profit organizations, commercial research labs, and small biotech and pharmaceutical companies.
BioInfoRx's cloud-based platforms offer robust features for handling mouse and zebrafish colony management, data analysis and mining, and custom scientific systems.
Tier I Vendor Members
AstellBio, the Thermal Effluent Decontamination System Company, is a UK-based manufacturer of chemical-free wastewater sterilizers. Using technology derived from the autoclaves of their sister company, Astell Scientific, AstellBio produces automated systems that sterilize and deactivate pathogens, genetically modified materials, and non-native organisms using electrically generated heat. This ensures they cannot leave your facility and enter the sewer system and wider waterways. AstellBio systems range in size, with smaller systems capable of handling numerous tank racks, while larger systems can manage a whole building’s wastewater.
Zantiks units enable researchers to measure Zebrafish (adult, larvae and embryo) behaviour, simply. We develop our products in close collaboration with researchers and produce fully integrated and automated systems, at low cost, for multiple species.
Our units are complete, networked systems which can be accessed and operated from any networked device (laptop, mobile phone, tablet, etc). They provide multiple stimuli options, including temperature control, vibration, lighting, audio, and food/liquid & odour delivery for maximum flexibility to the researcher.
The compact units provide an isolated, consistent environment for standardised behavioural assays, including locomotor activity (toxicity, (opto)genetic, circadian), simple learning experiments (startle, habituation, PPI), operant conditioning (5-CSRTT, CPP, Pavlovian), anxiety (open-field, novel tank) and social (mirror biting, focal fish).
Zantiks units are currently available in three sizes: MWP, AD and LT. Results from live video tracking are processed in real-time at 30-60 fps with data therefore immediately available for statistical analysis. The latest models (ZS2) can record and subsequently track video at up to 600 frames per second. The Zantiks MWP ZS2 is further suitable for high resolution filming and the LT is suitable for high throughput tracking (multiple tanks/multi-well plates).
Zantiks units are used on 4 continents, 23 countries and over 80 labs worldwide, and their rigorously tested hardware works with many species.
Iwaki Aquatic was established as a division of Iwaki America in 2016 to support the aquatic research community. Iwaki Aquatic’s mission is to build quality aquatic systems that are extremely reliable and easy to both use and maintain.
Our 60+ years of experience in designing and building controllers and pumps for global water treatment applications, position us as the leader in technology and value.
Our aquatic team includes aquaculture specialists, biologists, engineers and service experts with years of experience supporting zebrafish research systems.
Whether you are looking for a bench‐top, stand‐alone, double stand‐alone, small multi‐rack, or huge multi‐rack system… we have the solutions. We work with you to design your ideal aquatic lab from start to finish. Our knowledgeable service team is here to support you during and after the installation. Our life support controllers with a free cloud‐ based software allow you to view and adjust your system from anywhere in the world via a computer or smart device.
With our automated feeding system due to release at the end of 2021 and many other exciting products in development be on the lookout for new offerings from Iwaki Aquatic to support your zebrafish research and general aquatic research needs.
Check out our new LAbREED stand‐alone system and zebrafish tank family at www.iwakiaquatic.com. Look for the new Bench‐Top version next. Visit our new on‐line store with a growing inventory of parts you use every day at www.shopiwakiaquatic.com
GenoTyping Center of America (GTCA) provides fast and accurate genetic testing and colony planning services for accelerating preclinical and drug discovery research and improving laboratory animal welfare. Our proprietary DNA isolation methodology, independent assay verification, and Real-Time PCR analysis provide validated results in 2-3 business days. We remove the hassles and delays of genotyping, free up valuable resources, and reduce costs so scientists can stay focused on their research.
Over the years, zebrafish has proven to be a successful model organism in various fields. Despite its rising popularity, the lack of commercial anti-zebrafish antibodies has been an ongoing headache for zebrafish researchers.
We’ve heard the same from our customers who work with zebrafish and we want to make it easier for scientists to do their research by offering an exclusive promotion.
For as low as $600, you can access Boster’s full suite of high quality custom polyclonal antibody production services tailored for zebrafish. Boster Bio is a leading antibody manufacturer with 30+ years of experience and our team has worked with customers on hundreds of custom antibody projects for various non-traditional species.
Contact us today at support@bosterbio.com and start with a free feasibility assessment. For more information, visit our website here.
A Global Legacy of Water Analysis
For over 100 years, LaMotte has been an innovative leader in water quality analysis with world-class products focused on simplified methods for rapid analysis. The Spin Touch® continues this trend and has proved itself in diverse global industries for over 10 years.
Tecniplast is a total solution provider of products and efficient services for zebrafish labs of any size offering breeding tanks, housing systems, washing, automated feeding, customized life support, and more.
- Stand-Alone Housing System, ZebTec – Novel technology designed to reduce manual maintenance and enhance water quality promoting animal welfare.
- Cabinet Washer: Calypso – High-efficiency washing system removes algae and biofilm without pre-soaking or manual scrubbing. Small footprint fits any size lab. Easy install. Reduced water and utility consumption.
- Breeding tanks and systems – Widest selection of breeding tanks and systems in the market, including the innovative Slope Tank and the Z-Park “on-the-rack” breeding system.
- Automated Feeding System, Tritone – Programable system to feed the fish based on your needs and schedule.
- In-house capabilities – From building renovation, expansion, or a brand-new facility, we can fully assist with the project.
- Project Management
- Product Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Product Training
- Technical Service and Support
For information, contact Lance Squires at lquires@tecniplastusa.com
Plexx is the European Distributor for Iwaki Aquatic and sells and services Iwaki Aquatic zebrafish and xenopus housing systems. We also provide spare parts for Iwaki Aquatic, Pentair and AHAB systems as well as enrichment items. Please contact us at leads@plexx.eu or visit our website www.plexx.eu
Skretting is a world leader in nutritional, innovative and sustainable solutions for fish and shrimp, with operating companies on five continents. We deliver outstanding fish feed and services worldwide for the sustainable production of healthy and delicious fish.
Our GEMMA Micro diets are a unique, patented diet that offers nutrition for every life stage of Zebrafish. It is made in France and shipped to our warehouse in Maine, USA for distribution throughout North America. Cutting-edge research and development at Skretting Aquaculture Innovation (AI) ensures that we can continuously develop the best quality feeds for our customers. The internationally-accredited AI laboratory analyzes the results for all of our product trials. Our local units conduct precise measurements of our feed’s nutritional value with the help of near-infrared reflectance calibrations (NIR).
SPAROS is a science and technology-driven company specialized in fish nutrition.
One of its most successful products is ZEBRAFEED: a standard diet for zebrafish.
ZEBRAFEED allies the latest scientific knowledge on the nutritional requirements of zebrafish with state-of-the art microdiet production technologies, ensuring high welfare standards and low impact on water quality.
Main features include constant nutritional composition, balanced profile for the entire life cycle, live-feed replacement and excellent breeding performance.
SPAROS also produces CUSTOMISED DIETS for biomedical research, including: controlled changes of specific nutrients (e.g. high-fat, high cholesterol, western diets), diets with purified ingredients and feed tagging with fluorescent markers.
Visit our website: https://www.sparos.pt/products/#zebrafeed Contact us: zebrafeed@sparos.pt